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You're probably reading this to find out who I am.

You either know me, want to know more about me, or just got here by accident.

It doesn't matter. I wanted my work to speak for itself, as it is part of me, but realize that such expressions of myself do not provide the background information so often sought for to satisfy curiosity.

The problem is you can't, just by reading a few personal details here. A person is complex, with many sides. Even in these few words, I might have already used up half of your attention span. I hope not, but attention spans aren't what they were and there's too much information today said in too many words; which is why I like reading old books. It also grounds one and puts contemporary whims into perspective.

You probably want to know if I'm interesting enough to read on. If you're the kind of person who likes to be different, then that's me.

If you really want to know about what makes me tick, then buy my novel. I've spent my life rewriting it, so it captures my whims at every stage of my adult life. It's available here.

I picked up a guitar for the first time recently and have just about learned a tune on a keyboard, but quickly realized there were many more tunes unplayed: most of the music you will have heard will probably be written from a palatte of seven notes of the major and minor scales, but there are many more: the same with people. I'm experimenting with this and am experimenting with other music, both electronic and acoustic.

The theory of music is somewhat mathematical and suits my computing background. I'm a trained programmer and still try to keep abreast with it, but it's like running just to stand still.

I've found programmers to be such square people, so I began to write novels, short stories and poems, some of which are on here, but which are too unconventional to publish in other outlets I've seen. They are drawn from the stream of curiousities of my life.

Dive in, then and explore me through my work. There's plenty to see, hear and read on here or through the links. Don't forget to let me know what you like. You can get in touch with me through my Facebook , Twitter or YouTube channels below.

Did I tell you I've done as well? It's on here.

21st April, 2017.

Me in shades.
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